How Long Do Orbeez Take to Grow || A Complete Procedure

How Long Does Orbeez Take To Grow

Are you curious about how long it takes for Orbeez to grow? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss the fascinating phenomenon of Orbeez growth and exactly how long it takes these tiny little balls to expand into their fullest potential. We will also provide some helpful tips on ways you can accelerate your own Orbeez’s growth – allowing you get maximum benefit without having to wait an eternity for results. So if you’re ready to learn more about growing your own amazing multitude of colorful orbs, let’s dive in!1. What Are Orbeez and How Do They Work

Preparing the Orbeez Seeds for Growing

Before you get started, it’s important to note that all Orbeez come in a dried form. This means that the little beads must be soaked in water for at least 8-12 hours before they can fully expand and reach their full size.

All Orbeez products will have simple instructions on how long to soak your beads, however it is recommended that you err on the side of caution and soak them for longer rather than shorter. This will ensure that you get the most out of your Orbeez experience!

Getting Ready to Grow:

Once your Orbeez seeds have been soaked, it’s time to get growing and watch as your bead-y friends expand to their full size before your eyes! An added bonus to growing your own Orbeez is that you can choose the color or type of Orbeez you want and let nature take its course. Whether you choose a classic blue, pink, or purple – or if you’re feeling adventurous and opt for something like rainbow, metallic, or even glow-in-the-dark Orbeez – it’s entirely up to you!

Growing Time:

Now that your Orbeez are ready and prepped for growing, it’s time to sit back and relax as they expand! Depending on the type of Orbeez you have chosen, it can take anywhere from 6-12 hours for your orbs to reach their full size. Once they have grown to the desired size, it’s important to remember that they can become quite fragile and easily ripped – so handle them with care!

Tips for Faster Orbeez Growth:

If you’re looking for ways to accelerate your Orbeez growth, then here are some tips that might be helpful:

  • Use warm water: Warm temperatures will cause the Orbeez to expand quicker, so if you want faster results then try using warm water.
  • Add sugar: Adding a teaspoon of sugar to your Orbeez’s soaking water will help them grow bigger and faster! The sugar provides fuel for the beads to use as they swell in size.
  • Place in direct sunlight: Placing your Orbeez in direct sunlight will help them absorb heat, allowing them to grow even faster!

Planting the Orbeez Seeds

Once your Orbeez have reached their desired size, it’s time to get planting! Planting your own Orbeez is easy and can be done in a variety of ways.

To begin, simply fill a small container with soil or potting mix and make sure it has good drainage.

Next, wet the soil until it is damp but not soggy. Before planting, you may wish to add fertilizer or compost for added nutrients.

Once your soil is ready, simply spread the Orbeez evenly throughout the container and press them down firmly into the soil so they are just barely covered.

If it helps, try using a spoon or your fingers to flatten out any lumps in the soil. When finished, make sure to water the Orbeez to give them a good start.

It is important to remember that Orbeez thrive in humid environments, so if your home is too dry for their liking, you can try misting the soil with a spray bottle or placing a humidifier nearby.

Additionally, make sure to place the container in an area that has plenty of sunlight and can be monitored for temperature (Orbeez do best in temperatures of 70-80°F).

Finally, you should check on your Orbeez regularly to make sure they are getting enough water, light, and nutrients. With a little bit of care and attention, your Orbeez will be flourishing in no time!

How Long Do Orbeez Take to Grow || A Complete Procedure

Caring for your Orbeez After Planting

Now that your Orbeez have been planted, it’s important to take good care of them in order to keep them healthy and happy. Here are some tips for properly caring for your Orbeez:

First, make sure to water your Orbeez regularly using a spray bottle or water can. Since Orbeez like humid environments, they should be misted every few days.

Additionally, it is important to check the soil in your container once a week and make sure it is damp but not soggy.

Second, remember to place the container with your Orbeez in an area that gets plenty of light such as a windowsill or near a lamp.

This will ensure that they get enough energy for photosynthesis and will give them the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Third, if you are using a container with soil or potting mix, it may be necessary to add fertilizer every few weeks in order to provide your Orbeez with extra nutrients.

Additionally, if you notice that your Orbeez are starting to wilt or turn brown then this could be an indication that they need more water and/or fertilizer.

Finally, when caring for your Orbeez it is important to be patient and remember that these tiny little balls may take some time to reach their full potential. With the proper care and attention, however, you can be sure that your Orbeez will be flourishing in no time!

Factors That Affect the Growth of Orbeez

  1. When it comes to growing Orbeez, there are several factors that can have an effect on the speed and success of your project.
  2. For example, the amount of light and water you provide will play a role in how quickly your Orbeez expand.
  3. Additionally, the type of soil or potting mix you use can also make a difference as certain types may be better suited for Orbeez growth.
  4. Another factor to consider is the temperature of your environment. Orbeez thrive in temperatures between 70-80°F and will stop growing if it gets too hot or cold.
  5. Therefore, it is important to monitor the temperature of their environment so that they have the best chance at thriving.
  6. The type of Orbeez you choose can also affect the growth rate. Standard Orbeez come in a variety of sizes and colors, but they typically take between 6-12 hours to reach their full size.
  7. On the other hand, specialty types such as metallic or glow-in-the-dark Orbeez may take longer to expand depending on the type you choose.
  8. Lastly, it is important to take into account the amount of time you let your Orbeez sit in their soaking water.
  9. If you are looking for faster results then try letting them sit in the water overnight instead of a few hours.
  10. Additionally, keep in mind that if you leave them sitting in the water for too long they may start to break down and become mushy.
  11. No matter what type of Orbeez you choose, following these tips and monitoring the environment can help ensure that your little balls reach their fullest potential! With a bit of patience and care, your Orbeez will soon be thriving in no time!

What To Expect When Your Orbeez Are Grown

When your Orbeez have reached their full size and potential, you can expect to see a variety of colors and sizes. Depending on the type of Orbeez you purchased, they may come in a range of hues such as pink, blue, green, or even yellow.

Additionally, the size of your Orbeez will vary depending on how long you let them sit in their soaking water.

The growth of your Orbeez can also be affected by the environment they are in. If you provided plenty of light and water, then expect to see larger and brighter beads.

Additionally, if you used specialty types such as metallic or glow-in-the-dark Orbeez, then it is likely that they will take longer to reach their full size.

In addition to the size and color of your Orbeez, you can also expect them to be quite soft and squishy.

These little balls are made up of superabsorbent polymer which is what allows them to soak up so much water and expand in size. As such, they may look a bit different than what you were expecting when they first start to grow.

All in all, growing Orbeez is a fun and rewarding experience! With the proper care and attention, your Orbeez will soon be flourishing and ready for playtime!

So take some time out of your day and give these tiny little balls the love they deserve. They will thank you with hours of entertainment and a whole lot of squish!

Tips to Keep in Mind When Growing Orbeez

When it comes to growing Orbeez, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • First and foremost, ensure that your container is big enough for your Orbeez to move around once they have reached their full size.
  • This will give them plenty of room to grow and will reduce the chance of overcrowding which can cause the beads to break down and become mushy.
  • Second, it is important to use the correct type of water for your Orbeez. Tap water is usually fine, but you can also try using filtered or distilled water if necessary.
  • Additionally, remember that too much water can be just as bad as too little so make sure to keep an eye on their container.
  • Third, be patient! Growing Orbeez takes time and requires a lot of attention. Depending on the type of Orbeez you choose, it could take anywhere from 6-12 hours for them to reach their full size. So give yourself plenty of time and don’t rush the process.
  • Lastly, remember that unlike plants or flowers, your Orbeez will eventually dry out and lose their shape.
  • As such, it is important to use them in a variety of activities once they have reached their full size.
  • Make sure to check out the various projects you can do with your Orbeez on our website for some fun ideas!
  • With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to growing the perfect Orbeez! So get ready for some squishy fun and happy growing!


In this blog post, we discussed the fascinating phenomenon of Orbeez growth and exactly how long it takes these tiny little balls to expand into their fullest potential. We explored the various factors that can have an effect on the speed and success of your project such as light, water, soil type, temperature, and type of Orbeez used.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

1. How long does it take for Orbeez to grow?

    Standard Orbeez take between 6-12 hours to reach their full size and potential. However, specialty types such as metallic or glow-in-the-dark Orbeez may take longer depending on the type you choose.

      2. What temperature is best for growing Orbeez?

      For optimal growth, it is best to keep your Orbeez in temperatures ranging from 72°F – 78°F.

        3. What type of water should I use when growing Orbeez?

          Tap water is usually fine, but you can also try using filtered or distilled water if necessary.

            4. How much water should I use for my Orbeez?

            Too much or too little water can be just as bad, so it is important to make sure the container is not overflowing and that your Orbeez have enough room to move around.

              5. Do I need to provide light for my Orbeez?

                Yes, providing plenty of natural light or artificial light can help ensure that your Orbeez reach their full size and potential.


                Orbeez are a fun and fascinating phenomenon that can provide hours of entertainment. With the proper care and attention, you can easily grow your own little balls of squishiness in no time! Just remember to be patient and monitor their environment closely. Growth times will vary depending on the type of Orbeez you choose, so it is important to keep this in mind when starting your project. But with a bit of patience and some TLC, you can be sure that your Orbeez will be flourishing in no time! So what are you waiting for? Get growing!

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